December 14, 2020

Why Your Listing Needs Professional Real Estate Photography

In the digital age, it is no longer enough to call up your local realtor and put your house on the market. More steps must be taken to make sure a sale goes smoothly and find the best prices possible in this competitive market. Buyer habits have changed. No longer do the majority of buyers begin their journey with a realtor; the search now begins online.

Professional real estate photography is now a necessity

Humans are visual beings and are inclined to favor visual stimulation over many other senses. Data from real estate websites have shown that potential buyers tend to linger longer on online listings with professional photography. That makes having the right pictures of your home an absolute necessity.

No longer is professional photography reserved just for high-end luxury homes. It is not a competitive edge in a market that is volatile and fragile. While the real estate market has managed throughout the pandemic, there is no telling in what ways the market will shift due to current events.

The skills of a photographer

Photography is more than just pointing a camera at something and pressing a button. It is about staging and presenting a subject in the best way possible. The right photographer will have the skills to depict even the most average-looking of homes in the right manner, finding the value where it exists.

A real estate photographer’s keen eyes are likely to see the beauty in your home that your own perspective might not have seen. As visual artists, they know how to work these features to your advantage.

How to find the right one

All professional real estate photographers worth their salt can provide a portfolio for potential clients. Make sure to request a copy of this so you can examine their past work to see whether their aesthetic sensibilities are up to the task. It is also possible to ask for some references from previous clients about the quality of their work and service.

The next step is to examine their reviews. Yelp, Facebook, and LinkedIn are just some of the places you could check for reviews of your local real estate photographer. After that, your next step is to compare their pricing with other photographers in the area. After all, you want to make sure that you are paying fair prices for the right service.

Do I really need a professional real estate photographer?

If you are a real estate investor, you definitely need the help of a photographer who specialises in real estate. The market is intensely competitive, and you could even negotiate a discount if you need to sell more than one property.

For the average person just trying to sell their home, the conditions of the competitive market remain the same. Whether you are willing to pay for the competitive advantage is up to you, but you could attract more serious buyers with deeper wallets if you have better photos.

Final thoughts

With the explosion in internet use in the last 20 years, there have been significant changes in how real estate transactions and deals are conducted and finalized. Social media and modern web design sensibilities have demanded more visual strategies, even in this particular industry. With the right photographer, you could unlock opportunities you would otherwise not have had.

If you need a real estate photographer in Fort Worth, send us a message at We can help you sell your home for a great price if you put your trust in us, and we have a 100% money-back guarantee on our photos. We also don’t send any invoices until you’re happy with any edits we have made.